Usage is pretty easy:
You create a templated widget object in Java (GWT). Parameter must use Google's GWT JSON API.
public class MyTemplate extends HoganWidget {
public Test(){
addParameter("planet", new JSONString("world"));
and a template file in the same package:
<span id="planet"></span> {{planet}}
You can then use the template like this. The {{planet}} will be replaced with the parameter which you passed.
MyTemplate myTemplate = GWT.create(MyTemplate.class);
Using GQuery is also possible. This allows for dynamically changing the content of the template after the template has been set up.public class MyTemplate extends HoganWidget {
public void onLoad(){
And your template would look something like this:Hello
<span id="planet"></span>
Data Binding
I also played around with binding data. There's various ways of doing this, but I used the Gwt AutoBeans framework. See for more details.So you have a Data Object interface
public interface TestData {
public String getField1();
public void setField1(String v);
With a factory:
public interface TestDataFactory extends AutoBeanFactory {
AutoBean<TestData> data();
And in your widget you bind the generated object to the hogan template:
public class MyTemplate extends HoganWidget {
public Test(){
TestDataFactory beanFactory = GWT.create(TestDataFactory.class);
TestData test1 =; //get a managed TestData object
addParameter("data", test1);
And then in your template, you can use that object:
Field1: {{data.field1}}
Check it out, and feel free to drop some comments or fork it and improve it: